Services / Cosmetic Dentistry

Tooth Discoloration

Over time, teeth can become discolored and dull. This doesn't have to keep you from showing off your smile, however. There are a number of teeth whitening treatments available today that can help you feel confident and show off a dazzling white smile. The professional staff in our office can easily help you smile brightly again, without the worry of discolored or stained teeth. Whether you're preparing for an upcoming special event such as a reunion or wedding, or simply want to achieve your best and brightest smile every day, teeth whitening is a quick, easy, and safe solution for eliminating tooth discoloration.

What Causes Tooth Discoloration?

Tooth discoloration can be caused by a number of things, but the most common cause has to do with the beverages you consume and the foods you eat. Soda, coffee, dark tea, and even some fruit juices and wines can cause your teeth to become stained and discolored. Over time, your teeth also lose some of their enamel which exposes the yellowish dentin beneath; eating and drinking acidic foods can speed up this process beyond what is normal. This gives your teeth a yellowed or dull appearance. Oral trauma and root canals may cause teeth to lose their color as well.

How Does a Professional Tooth Whitening Treatment Help?

Professional teeth whitening treatments eliminate stains far more effectively that those you can buy over-the-counter. This is because professional whitening solutions can penetrate into the pores of the tooth enamel to remove stains that have formed in these areas. Over-the-counter treatments can only treat the stains that have formed on the thin layer of surface enamel (known as the pellicle). Professional teeth whitening treatments can be given to you in a personalized kit to take home.
In cases where the tooth discoloration has been caused by oral trauma or a root canal, your dentist may need to apply a special bleaching agent inside the tooth. This procedure is still very quick and virtually painless. In either case, it is important that you continue to practice good oral hygiene, brushing and flossing your teeth at least twice per day. Whitening treatments are not permanent, but you can help the effect last longer by avoiding food and drink that may stain your teeth after the whitening procedure.

Which Teeth Whitening Treatments Are Recommended?

Our office offers custom take home whitening trays and Opalescence, a professional whitening gel. Professional treatments are both safer and more effective than over-the-counter treatments available at your local discount or drug store. While most over-the-counter treatments can whiten your teeth by a shade or two, your dentist can provide a treatment that may whiten your teeth by as much as seven shades.
If you live in the Redondo Beach area and would like more information on the teeth whitening treatments we have available, please call us today at 310-378-9241. We can help you achieve the whiter, brighter smile you've been wishing for.

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