Services / Products Offered

MI Paste™ and MI Paste Plus™

MI Paste/MI Paste Plus are one-of-a-kind dental products formulated with RECALDENT. This revolutionary milk-derived protein is a leap forward for oral health care, and has been found to help replenish the calcium and phosphate in your teeth. It is completely safe to use, even for those who are lactose intolerant. MI Paste Plus also carries the benefit of 900 ppm of sodium fluoride to help protect your teeth from decay and cavities, as well as further promoting remineralization of your teeth. The minerals released by MI Paste and MI Paste Plus are released when they're needed, and help to maintain a normal pH level in your mouth as well.

Better oral health and stronger teeth

Teeth can lose vital nutrients and become weaker over time. Aging, certain foods and drinks, and other everyday activities can create an acidic imbalance in your mouth, which can cause your mouth to become dry and deprives your teeth of vital minerals they need to stay healthy. MI Paste and MI Paste Plus help to restore these minerals and strengthen your teeth. Additionally, these products can reduce tooth sensitivity. MI Paste and MI Paste Plus are like vitamins for your teeth.

Who should use MI Paste and MI Paste Plus

In addition to relieving dry mouth that may be caused by certain medications or medical conditions, these products are particularly helpful for patients with:
  • Tooth sensitivity, whether to temperatures or from dental treatments such as bleaching, whitening, or after a cleaning.
  • Orthodontic patients who suffer from white spots on their teeth or who wish to prevent new white spots.
  • High oral acid levels from drinking alcohol or soft drinks

Using MI Paste and MI Paste Plus can help provide you with healthier, stronger teeth, a reduced chance of developing cavities, whiter teeth that are instantly more glossy, and a more comfortable feeling mouth.

Using MI Paste and MI Paste Plus

All you need to use MI Paste or MI Paste Plus is the product and your index finger. You may also use a cotton swab or custom made dental tray if you prefer. Simply take a pea sized amount to the application method you choose and apply to your teeth before you go to bed. Leave on all night, and then spit out in the morning, it is okay if swallowed. That's it!Allergy Warning
MI Paste and MI Paste Plus do contain the milk protein casein, and should not be used by patients who are allergic or sensitive to it. If you are sensitive or allergic to benzoate preservative, you should also refrain from using these products.

MI Paste contains casein (milk protein) and should not be used if patients have an IgE casein allergy or with a sensitivity or allergy to benzoate preservatives. RECALDENT CPP-ACP is milk derived with lactose content less then 0.01%.

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