Invisalign FAQ

What is Invisalign?

Invisalign are virtually invisible aligners for your teeth that are made of a unique thermoplastic material. They look similar to the trays you receive with teeth whitening treatments. Your aligners will be custom made in order to correctly fit and move your teeth.

How does Invisalign work?

You will be provided with a series of Invisalign aligners. Each of these aligners will slightly adjust the position of your teeth in a progression mapped out specifically for you by our dentist. As you wear them, the aligners gradually cause your teeth to shift position over the course of about two weeks.

How do the aligners shift my teeth?

The thermoplastic aligners exert controlled force on your teeth that will gradually shift the teeth. Each stage focuses on specific teeth in order to make the process more comfortable than traditional braces.

How long will treatment take?

Treatment length will depend on your individual situation. On average, the entire process will take around 12 months for adults. For teenagers, you will need to discuss treatment length with your doctor.

How often should I wear the aligners?

For best results, you will need to wear your aligners for between 20 and 22 hours per day. You may remove them while eating, and to brush and floss your teeth.

How often will I need to check in with my dentist during treatment?

In most cases, our dentist will schedule you for checkup appointments every four to six weeks. This allows use to ensure that your treatment is progressing as planned.

What are Invisalign attachments?

In some cases, a specific movement may require ridges or attachments. These help the Invisalign aligner to grip the teeth. The attachment will be a small piece of tooth enamel colored dental composite that will be placed on your teeth, making a small bump. This will be gripped by matching ridges on the aligners in order to move your teeth into the proper position.

What are the benefits of Invisalign?

Unlike traditional braces, Invisalign aligners are virtually invisible. They can also be removed while you eat, which means you do not have to give up foods you love. This also allows you to continue to brush and floss your teeth as you normally would. Invisalign aligners have no brackets or wires that could irritate your mouth, and you will require fewer checkup visits to your dentist.

Is Invisalign treatment painful?

You may experience some minor discomfort during the first few days of each new aligner stage. In general, this will feel like pressure on your teeth. This indicates that the aligners are working and is usually quite a bit less painful than what occurs with metal braces.

Can I wear the aligners only while sleeping?

No. In order to achieve the desired results, Invisalign aligners must be worn for 20 to 22 hours per day.

Will Invisalign aligners affect my speech?

You may notice a temporary difference in your speech as you adjust to the feel of the aligners. However, this should subside quickly and your speech should return to normal after a day or two.

Will I have to adhere to diet restrictions while wearing Invisalign?

No. Invisalign aligners are removable, so you may eat and drink normally during treatment unless you are instructed to avoid specific foods by your dentist.

Can I smoke while wearing the aligners?

We recommend that you stop smoking during treatment, as this can discolor your aligners.

Can I drink alcohol while wearing the aligners?

As long as you are sure to brush and floss your teeth and clean your aligners soon afterward, it is safe to consume a moderate amount of alcohol during treatment.

Can I chew gum while wearing the aligners?

Gum can stick to the aligners, so this is not recommended. The aligners should be removed whenever you eat a meal or snack.

Will the aligners slip off while I sleep?

Because the Invisalign aligners are made specifically for your teeth, it is very unlikely that they would ever slip out, even while you are sleeping.

How many patients have been treated with Invisalign?

It is currently estimated that more than 2.5 million patients have been treated with Invisalign worldwide.

Are Invisalign aligners BPA free?

Yes, there is no Bisphenol-A or phthalate plasticizers in the aligners. They are made with USP Class VI medical-grade, high molecular weight, polyurethane resin that has been tested for bio-compatibility.

Is Invisalign approved by the FDA?

Yes, Invisalign aligners have received 510K clearance from the FDA. The aligners are classified as a Class II medical device.

What is the minimum age for Invisalign treatment?

Invisalign can be used with any patient who have lost all of their baby teeth and have their second molars at least partially erupted.

How do I care for my aligners?

Use the Invisalign Cleaning System to clean your aligners for best results. Alternatively, you may brush the aligners and rinse them in lukewarm water.

What happens after treatment is completed?

This will depend on your individual situation. In some cases, you may need to wear a conventional retainer following treatment, or your dentist may recommend a clear plastic retainer similar to the Invisalign aligner. This will be worn at night in order to prevent your teeth from shifting back to their original position.

I'm currently wearing traditional braces. Can I switch to Invisalign?

This will depend on your unique situation, but many patients are being treated with a combination of traditional braces and Invisalign. You will need to contact our dentist to see if this would be available in your case.

My teeth shifted after my braces were removed. Can Invisalign help?

Many Invisalign patients were previously treated with braces. In most cases, Invisalign aligners can be used to correctly shift your teeth back into the correct position.

Can Invisalign aligners be used if I have dental veneers?

You will need to contact our dentist about your individual case to be sure.

Can Invisalign aligners be used if I have bridgework?

The connection of a tooth to the surrounding teeth can make it difficult for the aligners to work effectively.

How much does Invisalign cost?

Invisalign treatment is similar in cost to traditional braces. In many cases, your dental insurance plan will at least partially cover the cost of Invisalign treatment. In general, the cost of treatment in the US ranges from $3,500 to $8,000.

Can Invisalign be used on kids?

As long as they have all of their permanent teeth, including their second molars, yes.

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